Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rails Plugin Uni_Form_Patch for Plugin Uni-Form

A small patch plugin for Marcus Irven's uni-form plugin.

Code home:

Fix the following features:
  • Make the form show properly
  • Show field focus and error background images
  • Show error and success form messages properly

If you havn't installed uni-form, install it at first:
script/plugin install

Follow the installation notes in Marcus's uni-form README to finish installation

Install uni_form_patch:
script/plugin install

The installation will automatically copy/update/delete files:
Copy public/images/uni-form/*.png
Update public/stylesheets/uni-form.css
Delete public/stylesheets/uni-form-generic.css

For the usage of uni-form, read Marcus's uni-form README.

Show uni-form style messages:
<% uni_form_for :user do |form| %>

<%= uniform_success_message flash[:notice] if flash[:notice] %>
<%= uniform_error_messages [@user] %>
<%= uniform_error_messages [@user, @address] %>

<% form.fieldset :type => "block", :legend => "cool stuff" do %>
<%= form.text_field :first_name, :required => true, :label => "Your first name" %>
<%= form.text_field :last_name %>
<% end %>
<%= form.submit "save" %>
<% end %>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it can not use, and also there are some bugs in uni_form.rb