Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rails ActiveMerchant Patch For BeanStream

I submitted the patch to active merchant plugin for Canada payment gateway BeanStream. I guess that it will take some time to get reviewed, tested and accepted ( or not accepted because the remote test can not be passed without beanstream's test account which it doesn't provide it to me), so I uploaded the patch to a google code project:

The installation, description and a simple example have been already written in the project home page. Issue your bug or give me your feedback if you encounter any problem when using it.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your patch! It looks really good so far. Hopefully I can have it committed in the next week or two.

mroberto98 said...

I was wondering if it works with interact?

Unknown said...

It doesn't work with Interac Online yet, but it should within the next month.